9 January 2009

The Day That Disappeared

This is probably the strangest thing to have happened to me in 2009.

I woke up this morning to the alarm bell and went on to brush my teeth, shower, groom up etc to prepare for work. I drove to the station earlier today hoping that I won't be parked-out of the place by the time I arrived as the school term had just begun this week, making it more packed as it used to be. Got my car into one of my favourite few lots, thinking that things should get better by the time they clear off the parking lots next to the crossing bridge.

I was checking all the receipts that I got from my site work and found a few to be missing, presumably because some that were kept in the wallet so probably might have been taken out with the rest of the transaction receipts e.g ATM, cheque deposit etc out as I do every month to reduce the amount of paper in the wallet - except in terms of monetary notes. Well, I decided to submit them tomorrow instead on Friday as there is still one more day.

Whilst walking to the other side of the platform to wait for the train, I noticed the (cute) lady I see every morning at the same time is dressed in t-shirts and jeans rather than the usual office wear. I thought, heck is this not too early to be on the weekend mood since there's still work day tomorrow.

Then on the train and on my walk to the office I noticed more and more people dressed in casual wear and was suddenly overwhelmed by the urge to check the date.

"Fr [9]".


It's Friday. It's FREAKING FRIDAY!

Man, the entire day yesterday I thought 'tomorrow is Thursday' and 'today is Wednesday'. Even throughout the whole evening when I walked to the station with my colleague there's a lack of certain mirth that precedes Friday - I still felt like tomorrow is another one of those days.

How or rather, where did the 24 hours go? How did I suddenly 'skip' through 24 hours?

I asked a colleague if I was at work yesterday, his answer was equally tongue-in-cheek, nodded and said, "Maybe your soul wasn't here".

I really hope this is not the first signs of problems to the brain or the head.

Or meet a guy who makes soap from liposuction fat.

1 comment:

Mynn said...

That's actually freaky.