Like the song I heard this morning in the car on the way to work , the DJ announced the song that Alicia had posted on Google+ and realised that it had been on the radio all this time. The Band Perry's "If I Die Young" didn't quite catch my attention perhaps due to my ignorance that this band is not one of the those emo 'rock bands' trying to do the compulsory ballad, but rather a counterpart to Lady Antebellum. Once given the more attention it actually sounded a lot better and more meaningful.
Personally, for slower songs I put quite a bit of premium on the lyrics as they have less instruments or beat to distract you, so what the singer is trying to say will be quite important in whether it will get my attention or not.
For that reason I hold a special liking for ballads that are somewhat different from the mainstream 'I love you' types, especially when written from the perspective of a person telling a story or narration.
The Third Person
One good example is 그녀의 남자에게 by Kim Jong Kook, which translates roughly to 'To Her Man/Guy'. Apart from the lovely piano and somewhat unique voice of a big guy, the song speaks about his message to the girl's boyfriend/husband etc to appreciate and cherish her the way that he cannot.
She talks about you about how you're such a great person.
And she smiles all the time when she does.
Just like how I was when I saw her for the first time.
Even if she's always 10 minutes late
Just smile and let it pass.
She doesn't even know how pretty she is so
all day she'll fuss in front of the mirror like a fool.
Don't ever hold in the words I love you.
Be the first one to speak up when she pouts with anger.
And if by chance when she thinks of me and hurts
Just hold her close... even if you feel unhappy.
If sometimes she complains about stupid things
Always soothe her with a smile.
When you drop her off always turn around another time to look.
And if she tries to break up with you, be stubborn and hold onto her.
Don't ever hold in the words I love you.
Be the first one to speak up when she pouts with anger.
And if by chance when she thinks of me and hurts
Just hold her close... even if you feel unhappy.
Why is it now that I've come to realize all these things?
Why is it now that I feel like I've done the best I could?
If, for one day just one day I could trade places with you
I'd show her all the love I couldn't before
It's true I still love her
and it's true that I still wait for her like a .
Everyday I turn it over and over in my heart like an echo
But it's she that's left my side and looks elsewhere.
It's she that will be at your side
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Simple Yet Sweet
Recently viewed this on Youtube, a cover of Kiss Me Or Not by Caroline County featuring the very talented Julia Sheer & Matthew McGinn. Begins with the retelling of a 'date' on the roof of the house, looking at the stars and talking about everything under moon, the smell of honeysuckle, her perfume and if he will kiss her or not.
Perhaps a little too saccharine to some but how many of us have had moments like this in life when we all turn into little boys and girls again?
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"Arrgh, your song is giving me diabetes!" |
You're Different
It always begins with the retelling of the singer's pain, anger or sadness, how things are like a black and white movie with the rain falling nonstop, the air is cold and dank. The singer sings about how perhaps this is how it will always be for them, accepting that some of the lessons of life will be harsh and not everybody wins.
Then as they step out to the heavy rain again to move on the next point of their lives, someone opens up an umbrella asked if they would like some cover. He or she then realises that sometimes a simple thoughtful question from somebody who is also drenched in the same storm would often be the only thing required to crack the coating of stone that had caused the heart to go cold.
Not quite the same, but some part of Paramore's The Only Exception seem to resonate a lot about what I think when it comes to relationships; sometimes it does look like a storm that will never stop, yet there is beauty in the rain if one knows where to look.
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It's not the umbrella you're looking at, admit it. |
One of my most favourite of all songs in this category is one written by Mac Davis, speaking about a lonely old man who found a note written by a lonely orphan child, discovered an unlikeliest of friendships, spending the winter laughing at the rain.
Chyi's version of the song, Whoever Finds This, I Love You! is my favourite.
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"How do you spell 'hu eva'?" |
All in all, one of the patterns that can be discerned from the example above are how they resonate with the everyday person instead of the fairy tale that we all wish so much to live in. They remind us that the simplest most beautiful things in life are often the very real things you see, hear or feel down the street you walk in daily.
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"Ohai der!". |
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