Ever go wake up in the morning and think, "Gosh, I need a change" ?
I'm quite the creature of routine and freedom (what a contradiction), meaning that I like to have the days and the week pass by without changing too much, in which that I then get to have lots of time to whatever I want. I'm simply one of those people who looks to have time to himself to do whatever he feels like doing, be it hibernate in bed, pick up a book, do gardening, learn a foreign language etc.
I could get upset if this freedom is somewhat blocked or taken away, but usually it's due to unavoidable circumstances such as work. Well, it's normally work. But that's beside the point.
Working like a bee during weekdays make it difficult to find time for oneself as I am one of those who needs lots of 'recovery time' ie. some quiet moments in the evening to cool down before it starts all over again in the next day.
Hence my unwillingness to fill up most of this time with itineraries that would take up too much time to travel, too much noise, too many people etc. I save all that for the weekends when there's more time.
Sometimes I wonder why do I look forward so much to this free time? I mean it's a normal thing to want time off after work but I am the happiest when I get the time to do what I want.
Still, sometimes I feel that this must change - I must want to do many things during this free time and yet not dread it when it ends. I mean the weekends do come as they are without fail unless the world ends before then, but the feeling of it ending is almost always that of looking forward to the next one.
I mean what's wrong with the weekdays?
I seriously don't know why.
I just want to go to sleep knowing that I have enjoyed the day, but the thought of tomorrow stays in the head always.
I have always - in fact, just an hour earlier to my friend's dad - told people to take things one day at a time. Nobody knows what will happen next.
Perhaps some change will be good. What sort? Let's just see.