1 November 2009

What matters more?

I often ask the question above from many angles, especially when it comes to discussing about something that is as important as in law & regulations.

First of all, be it the book of Genesis or not, humanity were created with this thing called 'freedom of choice'. A person can choose to do whatever he wants regardless of what others think for the reason that it is a personal choice. Whilst the atheists would consider this an anti-thesis of having an omnipotent Creator with control over the our lives, the fact remains that we are free to do whatever we want. God could've just stopped Adam from consuming the Forbidden Fruit and stop all the madness from unfurling since He knows what would happen yet Adam ate it anyway, for the reason that God gave him and honoured one of the most important gifts that defines humanity - freedom of will.

Without freewill, we will all be wearing the same clothes, eat the same things, say the same things, believe in the same things - a society of robots bereft of sentient AI will display this characteristic. Music will be a waste of time since they cause one to devote precious mental faculties to listening and admiring something intangible. Design of houses would be that of boxes bearing the colours of their material because beauty doesn't translate to function. Fashion doesn't exist - wasting precious fabric is unacceptable.

To me law & regulations were gazetted with the idea that they will keep society in order by encouraging goodwill amongst its citizens while deterring unwanted behaviour and at the same time ensure that everybody is treated with respect and fairness. They were created to ensure personal responsibility over the practice of free will in what is considered universally accepted norms of rights.

You are free to murder anybody you want. Just remember that the laws of the country that you commit this act might require you to die in exchange for this action. And do not forget about the lifelong grief and anger of the people important to the person you are murdering as well as the disappointment and the tears falling from those of your own as the executioner pulls the lever to open the trapdoor below you.

Are you willing to be responsible for the above? If you're not, don't do it.

Long story short, Beyonce's recently banned concert because some quarters thought she won't be able to stay within 'acceptable moral boundaries' when performing made me wonder which is more important - looking the part or doing the part?

'Pre-empting sin'. Beyonce's (rather well endowed) cleavage would cause the society to engage in sex between unmarried people, her suggestive dancing causing men to get lusty and rape women, her steamy songs causing women to go slutty.

I would like to know if the above aren't already happening without Beyonce herself stepping onto our shores. Why not ban the Internet since it's porn haven? How about imposing nation-wide curfews to make sure that nobody unmarried can meet and possibly have any chance of going to bed together?

I'm greatly insulted to branded as stupid to the point that I would become immoral from watching and listening to Beyonce (or any other musical artistes out there). Men would be fascinated with breasts as long as they exist, women would forever make love to men until the end of times, children will forever be produced regardless of whether a sexy artiste struts her stuff on the stage or not.

Boobs, the bane of humanity.

If I were to become immoral it would be because I chose to, not because somebody told me to.


Anonymous said...

Long story short – We need no Beyonce to enjoy. Of course, that’s my personal point of view and cannot be adapted as public opinion. I listen to Single Ladies, but am not interested to watch her performing..live. Reason? Just not interested.

I too can’t stop laughing as the so-called NGos "banned" something that has actually been known to teens in every home, every place, all around Malaysia. What a crap?

If you are about to ban Beyonce, how about The New Year celebration? Jom Heboh concert?

All in all. You are unfair. Agreeable, Wilfred.


Though the reason is unclear, the reason exists. And I, am happy for the concert has been postponed. And being happy is my freedom to have feelings, mind you.
So, there is unhappy person, there is happy person. Fair share, eh?

And, yes, it’s your freedom to check her latest concert, book your AirAsia/ Mas ticket and, fly. Go watch her , it’s your freedom to do so. You still can watch her.

And , you may not be 'bad', immoral during/after the concert. But, there's thousands there as audience.
It's their choice to choose.
but here's the case, do what you can do to stop them to choose a wrong choice.

*Ceh, rasa macam blog sendiri pulak*

Wilfred Liao said...

Unfair? I'm not arsed about this concert to be honest - I just think that the reasoning for calls to have it banned is questionable especially when it hinges on something that cannot be proven in the first place.

Try Googling 'Post hoc ergo propter hoc' and read about the logical fallacy and you will probably get what I mean by all this.

If they can't control themselves for peering at the crack between Beyonce's boobs (they'd either be gay or optically challenged to not want to do so), then what chance do we have against adult content on the Internet which is, in all ways, free and easily accessible?

The number of people with access to cyberporn far outweighs the people who go to the concert(s).

Sacrifice 100,000 to save 10,000?

Nice logic you have there my dear. :)

I'm aware of what you mean by those 'reasons' but they would mean absolutely nothing if serves to deter people rather than advise one to avoid it.